Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I woke up with a flu-ey cold thing on Wednesday. It's still there a bit but as went I home on Friday and had loads of lemony drinks, cough syrup, throat sweets and juice I'm a lot better now.
Home was fun. Mind you I still woke up going, "Argh I have to go into the kitchen in the flat to get some water. Nooo.....wait I'm at home. Yeah, k I'll do it."

Felt really tired on Monday. Had 3 lectures, saw my personal tutor and did a bit of work. Went to bed at 10:30 cos I felt awful and couldn't get to sleep until 3am cos someone had their msn and music on loud and then started whistling. So I was groggy in Linguistics again. I think it's safe to say that the novelty of living in a flat has worn off. So if you end up like me, please have the guts to go up to your flatmates and moan. I'm contemplating leaving an angry note if it happens again, but I did say something briefly this afternoon.

Got 2 essays back for Linguistics and I got 2:1's on both of them (B's.) Yay. Feeling more relaxed now Pierre said he would give us the exam q's in advance. Today was confusing though as we did syntax and did tree diagrams. I've sort of got it now, but the essay I'm not sure about. I may need to do some more reading. The library's books have become a haven...I use the Linguistics book loads.

German History is so funny. Uwe totally speaks his mind. Today he showed us stupid cartoons and said "Nasty froggies." There's this guy in a few of my classes who is really full of himself and it was hillarious watching him get his comeupance as Uwe ignored him when he put his hand up. In Language skills, Elisabeth asked us what "A pile of money" in German, was in English. He said, "A harbour of gold." HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Did a load of work tonight and am not going anywhere that requires money (aka Oceana, The Works) cos I've bought Xmas presents whilst I still have money. Might end up buying some food though. I recommend Premium Bonds. I love their prizes.

Damn all schools and their half terms :P

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