Monday, October 29, 2007

Job update

I seriously believe that all Freshers should work at Build a Bear next year cos it's so much fun, and it puts you in a great (rather hyper) mood!

Yesterday I had training for 3 hours- watching a silly customer service vid about fish, getting to stuff bears, watching a Build a Bear music video (LOL) and then half an hour of actually working.
My first job was quite embarassing as I had to stand at the front with a toy dog on rollerskates and pulling him along. It ended up being fun though as I made a baby laugh, and a little boy hugged him. Then I moved onto the Stuff Me station and cocked up slightly, but it was alright. The hardest part is telling a boy that he has to kiss a heart, make a wish, and put it inside the bear!!

Work is mounting up slightly. I thought I had Reading Week (like half term, only involving work still) but I think I still have some classes and I found out I have a German grammar test, and work that week. So I may not get to go home. BOO. Unless I go this Thursday instead. Hmm.

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