Monday, April 28, 2008

Exams begin!!/I hate you work.

Its week 25 now which means that exams have begun and last until the end of term, which is actually my birthday.

Last week nothing happened much apart from the fact that I made an official complaint to a residence tutor about a very noisy member of our flat. He came round and most of us got to throw in our two cents about how recently he's been cranking his music up fully at 7:30am and keeping us awake for hours on end. He's also been doing it at random times during the day now as well. I'm hoping he'll quieten down but as I have 3 exams this week he's officially doomed if he makes any noise.

Tomorrow I have Landeskunde at 3-4pm, then Weds I have German grammar at 12-1pm and then have to do my Tools for Translators paper from either 1:30pm or 2:00pm onwards. I can pick it up at 12 but obv in my case I have an exam and need lunch. Then I'm going home until Sun-Mon.

Work really upset me yesterday to the point where I'm thinking of leaving already if it doesn't improve. One of the managers completely overreacted at the fact that I said I thought I should tidy up a bit. Apparently I was being unproffessional, shocking and offensive, when all I was doing was being honest and trying to do my job! She thought I meant that everyone was slacking. So I've written a letter of complaint because she made me incredibly ill yesterday.

In other news, we had our first fire alarm for ages at 5:45am this morning. It lasted about 20 mins. Hope there aren't anymore this week.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Stop spending!!

This week I've bought a poster, 2 boxsets, 2 pairs of jeans and a t-shirt. Oh and the tickets. So I'm gonna try really hard to economise now where necessary until I need a big food shop. Looks like I'll be living on soup, pasta, the odd bit of rice and noodles and cereal then.

Work was a lot better this weekend as I got the hang of things better and was left to myself a bit more. I actually quite enjoyed it even though it was mostly putting out rejects all day.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Home and back

Tuesday was poo. Went to my Tools lecture and it was tough. Guy problems ensued (speaking of guys problems I think the guy I mentioned in the posts when I got here is still hung up on me...oh dear.) and I tried going over the aforementioned work which got me wound up to the core. So I missed the rest of the lectures and went home.

Had trouble getting there but it was definitely needed and I feel better now. Going back again in 2 weeks cos I get to meet John Barrowman and James Marsters (Torchwood & Buffy fame.) Now just gotta break the news to work.

Exams are just around the corner- I have 2 in less than 2 weeks. Eeep. I have a presentation tomorrow so noise better not start. Off to bed soon.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Start of a good week?

I got a bit more sleep last night. Decided I had 2 options if I still didn't get a ufdll amount: A_ Get drunk and try to sleep better like that. Am now drunk and can't bothered to correct my mistakes, and people are still awake and noisy so no point in going to bed yet. Have an 11am and need to go for a few reasons so hopefully I'll make it. Might go home though but haven't packed. Maybe I'll do it now.

Have had a day of doing no work apart from lectures which I think I needed. Still got stuff to do mind.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I've had about 4-5 hours sleep cos of noise last night until half 3am yet again. I'm so so sick of it, and I felt so awful that I didn't think I'd cope at work. Didn't have any phone credit so I had to get my mum to phone in for me as well. Turns out they still needed confirmation from me so I had to go out and get phone credit in the end. I felt like I was in another world I was so tired. So if it happens again tonight I'm gonna ask to do my media presentation early after translation and then go home and come back Wednesday evening as I have another presentation on Thursday. I have lectures tomorrow and Tuesday but I wouldn't be feeling up to going, and even if I did go I'd probably make myself worse.

I just hope it doesn't happen again when I have to go to work. I'm also revising for exams and everyone else just seems to be bumming about.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rant time

I really have had a rubbish week and right now what I want the most is just to go back home for a few days if it doesn't improve.

I was having panic attacks on Wed night cos of my poster presentation for sociolinguistics the next day and then when I got to the lecture Gertrud wasn't even there. Due to that I had to miss my German lecture before that as well. So now I have to endure another night of panic attacks.

Then last night everyone in my flat went out to the guild and stayed up being really noisy until 4am. Thankfully I didn't have work until 5pm today but I wanted to get up early and do stuff and I couldn't. I'm hoping that the same won't happen tonight cos I'm feeling exhausted and miserable and can't take 2 nights in a row.

Work was ok, but I am starting to get fed up already. Because there's so many staff members, no one knows who you are or if you're new so you end up running around like a loon yourself trying to get yourself organised. No one is explaining things full enough to me and gives me a funny look if I do something wrong, like a cock up I made at the end today with sizing all the jeans. They're so strict about it- "If you have 3 of the same pairs in a row then you have short, reg & long on each." And then when I've been assigned work and done the job (like sizing) someone will go and check it, like they can't trust what I'm doing. It makes me feel like a complete idiot. So I'm not looking forward to going in tomorrow really.

On the brightside I got an email from Vicky from the languages for life project saying that she'll pay me £50 to go back home and talk to yr 12's about languages at Aston. So doing it.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Its all go again

I found out that my sister reads this as well, so hi sis!! :D

I totally should not have made that comment about Christina- pure jinx that was. I was late anyway to Translation cos I ran into Beth and Karina up Coleshill and when I got there there was a big sign on the door saying she was ill. Again. It was sad :( I hope she's okay.

So I go home and think, "Ok you might as well send your work to lecturers online." I log on and send emails telling everyone I'm sending work and then MAP locks me out. I thought someone had hacked me first, then after a convo with Nikki I realised that it might be the library fine I owed. I go to the library and queue for about 20 mins cos it was really far back, and the woman says I don't have a fine. (Thank God, cos if I did, it would've been about a tenner cos it ran out at the end of term. Shout out to Anne at the lib who renewed it and didn't give me a fine.) Got really confused, so I went to the ISA helpdesk and they said it's their fault. Bah. It was ok in the evening though.

I have 2 presentations due soon- one on Thurs for Socioling which I'm in the process of learning, and the other for German Media which I wrote this evening and haven't learnt yet. So I've learned that I personally can't have a quiet first day back.

Today was quite cool- helped Beth and found out that we have a lot in common so I'm chuffed.

Going to meet Steffi from the German Soc tomorrow for lunch or coffee.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Back at Aston

Here I am sitting back in my room.

Got back yesterday afternoon after a really tiring walk to the station with two bags nearly my own weight (and I don't weigh much). I now have bruises on my shoulders and they've tensed up a lot. Then I had a painful walk back from Tesco with heavy bags of food and bottles of bleach, detergent & washing up liquid. Somehow managed to revise.

The noise has started again at night but thankfully I slept better than usual cos of my earplugs. I feel more calling of security will be needed.

Today was my first day at work (River Island) and it was quite good. They didn't put me on anything too complicated and it was only size ordering, tidying and then going on the fitting rooms. I met lots of nice people though- 3 girls who seem like they could be good mates, and 2 or 3 boys. Looking forward to going in next week.

Lectures start again tomorrow. Ahh, good old Christina "This is a German spoon!" Schaeffner.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Holiday post before I come back

Here I am sat at home cos a few things have happened and I should probably stick em in here before I go back and get caught up in doing loads of things. I have to go to Inland Revenue and claim a load of tax back and sort out finance stuff for next year mainly. Gotta pick up on revision as well cos I have Landeskunde in 3 weeks or so and then a Language and Socioling exam in May.

I did go to Bierkeller in the end and it was pretty fun, but instead of there being loads of us there was only me, Martin, Kylie, Holly, Martin & Jenny. We couldn't stop laughing at how a supposed German beer party was hosted by a very English man called Mr Bill. There were a few songs in German or the odd German word thrown in, but mainly all English songs. Still we had German hotdogs and several pitchers of a cocktail.

Basically been revising over the hol and seeing people over the past few weeks. I'm gonna miss my mum and her stupid German jokes (the latest of which is, "What's woo-hoo in German?")

I think I have another guy clinging onto me a bit cos he keeps asking me out. Even though I've said no for the 3rd time now. So I explicitly said today that I wasn't attracted to him. Brace yourself for a lot of this people!! I am looking forward to going back and seeing a few guys though.

I start my first shift at River Island on Sunday and I'm back at Aston on Saturday. Oh, and we have ants in our flat...niice.