Monday, April 28, 2008

Exams begin!!/I hate you work.

Its week 25 now which means that exams have begun and last until the end of term, which is actually my birthday.

Last week nothing happened much apart from the fact that I made an official complaint to a residence tutor about a very noisy member of our flat. He came round and most of us got to throw in our two cents about how recently he's been cranking his music up fully at 7:30am and keeping us awake for hours on end. He's also been doing it at random times during the day now as well. I'm hoping he'll quieten down but as I have 3 exams this week he's officially doomed if he makes any noise.

Tomorrow I have Landeskunde at 3-4pm, then Weds I have German grammar at 12-1pm and then have to do my Tools for Translators paper from either 1:30pm or 2:00pm onwards. I can pick it up at 12 but obv in my case I have an exam and need lunch. Then I'm going home until Sun-Mon.

Work really upset me yesterday to the point where I'm thinking of leaving already if it doesn't improve. One of the managers completely overreacted at the fact that I said I thought I should tidy up a bit. Apparently I was being unproffessional, shocking and offensive, when all I was doing was being honest and trying to do my job! She thought I meant that everyone was slacking. So I've written a letter of complaint because she made me incredibly ill yesterday.

In other news, we had our first fire alarm for ages at 5:45am this morning. It lasted about 20 mins. Hope there aren't anymore this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So i see that u still write blogs on here... I have a question.. I want to ask you if you like studying german over in wherever u may be..and I was hoping for advice...because I'm thinking about getting into German Translation myself and I just graduated last year and studied german for 6 years. Any advice that u have would be great.. my email is or myspace...