Sunday, May 4, 2008

Exams/work rubbish/Collectormania

A lot has happened since I last updatht went okay but I wish it had gone a bit better. I'd say that I passed but I either made up or missed out a little bit of it cos it was just stuff I didn't know. The odd bit we hadn't even done. Plus some people in the room next door starting playing their musical instruments.

Then on the Weds I had grammar and Tools for Translators. Grammar was okay apart from the fact that I started doubting myself cos I was so distracted by the same people again next door, this time tuning their instruments. It annoyed me so much that I'm reporting it, and I advise anyone else to do the same.

Tools really wound me up to the point where I nearly left and let myself fail the module. Basically we had to align 3 source texts (Eng) with their target texts (German in my case, French for the others). It's kinda like Excel cos you have to split paragraphs which are wrong grammatically and put them back together, and the paragraphs in German and English have to be exactly alike with a line connecting them. The first one was fine, but the second one was in ye olde English and Stefan decided to split sentences into individual words at times, so we had loads of paragraphs which needed splitting and putting back together like "The. duck. is. the." kind of thing. Anyway this 2nd one was the toughest thing ever and he said that level 3 was the hardest but it actually wasn't. I got it all done in the end but I was there for 3 and a half hours.

Then I went home cos I was feeling ill by this point and I needed to relax. I was dreading phoning work and I was right. I gave them 5 hours notice and I get shouted at and told "This is unacceptable and they're very disappointed in me." I couldn't face them today cos the last thing I need is being shouted at when I'm ill so I left it and I've decided to hand in a letter of resignation. I figure that being at a job that can upset me that much (I was depressed all day Saturday) has no point. Weighing this up to Build a Bear, they were actually a lot better bar the accident so I'm thinking about going back. I'll hand in the letter this week when I feel up to going in.

Decided to go down to Collectormania today to see what was going on and cheer myself up. It was so worth it- I got a photo and autograph with Eve Myles, John Barrowman and James Marsters and I got some great compliments from them: James said my outfit rocked...erm actually thanks to River Island. I was wearing a purple beret, (ok courtesy of Accessorize) purple cartoon top and orange jeans from RI. Eve said I looked colourful. Ahh I love those people. I'm now really tired but it was so worth it. Back to revision tomorrow. Blah.

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