Sunday, May 25, 2008

Long time no update

I should've updated this a while ago cos a lot has gone on.

Everything at RI is okay now and I'm enjoying the work a lot more. They said that they might be moving me up to menswear on the fitting rooms soon which I'd like. I've been doing a lot of extra shifts lately cos I need the money and I'm panicking about bills over the summer cos I'm gonna be in the house on my own. I'm hoping I'm gonna make enough profit to put more money into the fund for next years accomm but some of that is gonna go towards bills when I move in in June. So I planned out what electric I'm gonna use, for how long, and other ways that I can save energy. Hopefully it'll work out ok. I also need to go and explore Erdington cos I can't remember the way to the house, nor do I know where anything is.

A lot of people have gone home or aren't really doing anything much so its been getting boring and lonely. One of my friends has fallen out with me for some reason and he won't speak to me unless he needs help with an exam. Really annoying me. I've also had a few annoying/slightly odd people previously mentioned in this blog try and contact me again. Gah.

Only had one exam since the last post and that was Socioling on Fri. Didn't go too badly but it might have been one of my weaker ones. I dunno. Didn't get a lot of sleep for it (maybe about 4-5 hours) cos I was worrying and the usual aforementioned flatmate was up to his old tricks of loud music and shouting with his friends at stupid hours. Friday night was much worse and I only had 3 hours of sleep cos he decided to do it again and everyone else went out and came back drunk. Thankfully last night was peaceful and I'm hoping tonight will be too cos I have work tomorrow as well.

The aforementioned flatmate also decided to steal all of my milk (bar a quarter) plus someone else's in an entire night. Residence can't do anything about all this cos their communication is broken. Utter naff!!

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