Thursday, June 5, 2008

Its over!!!

*waves* at new readers!

In the last 2 weeks I've been out and about a fair bit. Last Tuesday we went to Subway City for a friends birthday which was great fun, mostly cos of the good 90's music! The only badness was walking back to campus at 3am in the morning whilst it was pouring it down. The chips from Coffee and Cream made up for it. Wouldn't advise any of the burgers though cos Nikki got ill from a chicken burger.

Then on Mon I had my pre-birthday celebration. It wasn't that great cos most people I wanted to be there were at home, but I had my flatmates and some guys from other flats. We played Jenga, watched a movie (Confetti) and then jjst sat about talking.

So I finished all of my exams today, with the 2nd German Lang Skills being the last one. It wasn't too bad but I mucked up the last section a bit, cos Maths and graphs don't go too well with my brain. Eh. So glad it's all over now, especially cos I had 2 hours of sleep last night. Just gotta wait for the results. Apparently what they do is they send you a big pack thing with results and other stuff in it to your home address. The results might go up on MAP as well.

Typically just when I make some new really good friends it's time for most of them to go home. I decided I'm gonna continue with my job here and if I can't afford to live here or get too homesick then I'll pack it in. I am quite worried about it though to be honest as it looks quite lonely.

I have so much stuff to organise in the next week and a half too, and it doesn't help that next week I'll be at home so I can't do much of it. I've gotta take some stuff home and then figure out what I won't need here for a while and take some of it up to the new house. Also need to buy some stuff for moving and new stuff for next year, cancel contracts, set up new contracts and get some more insurance.

As this could potentially be my last post for the year (I don't actually know if I'll continue this, or start a few blog for 2nd year adventures. Depends- will my summer be that interesting and worthy to report about?)I feel I should reflect on stuff. I feel a bit of a twerp but hey it'll help me plan for next year and maybe help some people out.

* Spend less money on clothes (Okay I didn't buy THAT much, but it doesn't help. Gonna be tough whilst at RI but hopefully it'll work)
* Hopefully spend less money on food (Started working on that and its been going well- buy lots of stuff under a quid. Last time I bought 2 weeks worth of stuff and spent £11.)
* Maybe go out a bit more or spend more time with people.
* Keep my room and desk tidier.

If I think of any more I'll do another post.


Anonymous said...

Hi Hannah. Thanks for the lovely blog. I'm Alexandra and i'm going to study next year at aston too (Business with German)so it was very useful reading your comments and adventures. Thanks again and hope to meet you in person in a month. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's Alexandra again. I'd love to meet you on facebook, as i read in the blog you are on facebook. If you want to add me, i'm Alexandra Veleva from Bulgaria. Hope to hear from you soon :)

Maverick at work said...

Hi Hannah. this s arjun. i ve been permitted to blog in Aston. Am joining Aston Business School for International Business. Was reding thru to hv an idea of how things are done here.


Anonymous said...

Hi Hannah.

Interesting blog

please more details send my email id