Thursday, October 9, 2008

2nd year blog

I've got a new 2nd year blog. If you wanna read it please go to:

Enjoy! :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Its over!!!

*waves* at new readers!

In the last 2 weeks I've been out and about a fair bit. Last Tuesday we went to Subway City for a friends birthday which was great fun, mostly cos of the good 90's music! The only badness was walking back to campus at 3am in the morning whilst it was pouring it down. The chips from Coffee and Cream made up for it. Wouldn't advise any of the burgers though cos Nikki got ill from a chicken burger.

Then on Mon I had my pre-birthday celebration. It wasn't that great cos most people I wanted to be there were at home, but I had my flatmates and some guys from other flats. We played Jenga, watched a movie (Confetti) and then jjst sat about talking.

So I finished all of my exams today, with the 2nd German Lang Skills being the last one. It wasn't too bad but I mucked up the last section a bit, cos Maths and graphs don't go too well with my brain. Eh. So glad it's all over now, especially cos I had 2 hours of sleep last night. Just gotta wait for the results. Apparently what they do is they send you a big pack thing with results and other stuff in it to your home address. The results might go up on MAP as well.

Typically just when I make some new really good friends it's time for most of them to go home. I decided I'm gonna continue with my job here and if I can't afford to live here or get too homesick then I'll pack it in. I am quite worried about it though to be honest as it looks quite lonely.

I have so much stuff to organise in the next week and a half too, and it doesn't help that next week I'll be at home so I can't do much of it. I've gotta take some stuff home and then figure out what I won't need here for a while and take some of it up to the new house. Also need to buy some stuff for moving and new stuff for next year, cancel contracts, set up new contracts and get some more insurance.

As this could potentially be my last post for the year (I don't actually know if I'll continue this, or start a few blog for 2nd year adventures. Depends- will my summer be that interesting and worthy to report about?)I feel I should reflect on stuff. I feel a bit of a twerp but hey it'll help me plan for next year and maybe help some people out.

* Spend less money on clothes (Okay I didn't buy THAT much, but it doesn't help. Gonna be tough whilst at RI but hopefully it'll work)
* Hopefully spend less money on food (Started working on that and its been going well- buy lots of stuff under a quid. Last time I bought 2 weeks worth of stuff and spent £11.)
* Maybe go out a bit more or spend more time with people.
* Keep my room and desk tidier.

If I think of any more I'll do another post.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Long time no update

I should've updated this a while ago cos a lot has gone on.

Everything at RI is okay now and I'm enjoying the work a lot more. They said that they might be moving me up to menswear on the fitting rooms soon which I'd like. I've been doing a lot of extra shifts lately cos I need the money and I'm panicking about bills over the summer cos I'm gonna be in the house on my own. I'm hoping I'm gonna make enough profit to put more money into the fund for next years accomm but some of that is gonna go towards bills when I move in in June. So I planned out what electric I'm gonna use, for how long, and other ways that I can save energy. Hopefully it'll work out ok. I also need to go and explore Erdington cos I can't remember the way to the house, nor do I know where anything is.

A lot of people have gone home or aren't really doing anything much so its been getting boring and lonely. One of my friends has fallen out with me for some reason and he won't speak to me unless he needs help with an exam. Really annoying me. I've also had a few annoying/slightly odd people previously mentioned in this blog try and contact me again. Gah.

Only had one exam since the last post and that was Socioling on Fri. Didn't go too badly but it might have been one of my weaker ones. I dunno. Didn't get a lot of sleep for it (maybe about 4-5 hours) cos I was worrying and the usual aforementioned flatmate was up to his old tricks of loud music and shouting with his friends at stupid hours. Friday night was much worse and I only had 3 hours of sleep cos he decided to do it again and everyone else went out and came back drunk. Thankfully last night was peaceful and I'm hoping tonight will be too cos I have work tomorrow as well.

The aforementioned flatmate also decided to steal all of my milk (bar a quarter) plus someone else's in an entire night. Residence can't do anything about all this cos their communication is broken. Utter naff!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

More exams/work

I meant to update this a few days ago cos up until today I've had a few lazy days this week where I haven't done as much revision as usual.

Last Tuesday I had my German oral with Elisabeth and Gertrud which went fine. I got a bit stuck at some points but I overcame it so I'm fairly confident that I got a good mark.

Then Wednesday I went out with my friend Steffi from the German Soc to enjoy the sudden burst of sun and to get lunch and go job hunting. That was really nice, and I got a few job offers and handed in a few CV's.

Thursday I had the German listening exam which had some hillarious bits in it (a man doing the shouting like they do at the market who lost his voice half way through)but which was easy apart from the odd word.

Friday I went into work with my friend Adam to give them the letter which I'd changed a bit- considering resigning, cos my flatmates pointed out to me that I might not get another job cos I have to move out of Lakeside in about a month. So I thought that I'd look about first, wait until I got another one and then leave. Then we both went and did more job hunting. Handed in a few more CV's and applied for a job back home with Mum.

Saturday I went into work scared ****less of what they were gonna say. Both of the ladies who'd shouted at me were all smiles and friendly (Blah. I'll take it, but 'm not one for being patronised.) I got called into the office in the afternoon by the head manager Vicky to talk about it but she was genuinly being nice and said she'd thinking about changing my responsibilities to something easier and apologised for people shouting at me. So that was ok.

Sunday wasn't too bad either. One of the other girls started on me saying I was too slow so I had a go at her saying that I have a disability and she backed off. Now she's being all nice and unfortunately I'm covering her shift tomorrow. I need the money but I'd rather be here or have gone home. (I can't decide yet.)So cos things are going better I am now staying at RI unless things go bad again or I have to pay full rent for our house rather than the reduced summer rate.

Today I had my Translation exam which I am chuffed about cos Christina said she could see that I did loads of research. Started back on the re-capping for Sociolinguistics on the 23rd cos I've finished all of the revision for it.

I am having serious problems trying to sort out my birthday cos its bang on the last day of term and everyone finishes exams before me and are going home/on holiday etc. So I am considering cancelling the event I had planned and going home cos its making me miserable.

Should be going to bed now.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Exams/work rubbish/Collectormania

A lot has happened since I last updatht went okay but I wish it had gone a bit better. I'd say that I passed but I either made up or missed out a little bit of it cos it was just stuff I didn't know. The odd bit we hadn't even done. Plus some people in the room next door starting playing their musical instruments.

Then on the Weds I had grammar and Tools for Translators. Grammar was okay apart from the fact that I started doubting myself cos I was so distracted by the same people again next door, this time tuning their instruments. It annoyed me so much that I'm reporting it, and I advise anyone else to do the same.

Tools really wound me up to the point where I nearly left and let myself fail the module. Basically we had to align 3 source texts (Eng) with their target texts (German in my case, French for the others). It's kinda like Excel cos you have to split paragraphs which are wrong grammatically and put them back together, and the paragraphs in German and English have to be exactly alike with a line connecting them. The first one was fine, but the second one was in ye olde English and Stefan decided to split sentences into individual words at times, so we had loads of paragraphs which needed splitting and putting back together like "The. duck. is. the." kind of thing. Anyway this 2nd one was the toughest thing ever and he said that level 3 was the hardest but it actually wasn't. I got it all done in the end but I was there for 3 and a half hours.

Then I went home cos I was feeling ill by this point and I needed to relax. I was dreading phoning work and I was right. I gave them 5 hours notice and I get shouted at and told "This is unacceptable and they're very disappointed in me." I couldn't face them today cos the last thing I need is being shouted at when I'm ill so I left it and I've decided to hand in a letter of resignation. I figure that being at a job that can upset me that much (I was depressed all day Saturday) has no point. Weighing this up to Build a Bear, they were actually a lot better bar the accident so I'm thinking about going back. I'll hand in the letter this week when I feel up to going in.

Decided to go down to Collectormania today to see what was going on and cheer myself up. It was so worth it- I got a photo and autograph with Eve Myles, John Barrowman and James Marsters and I got some great compliments from them: James said my outfit rocked...erm actually thanks to River Island. I was wearing a purple beret, (ok courtesy of Accessorize) purple cartoon top and orange jeans from RI. Eve said I looked colourful. Ahh I love those people. I'm now really tired but it was so worth it. Back to revision tomorrow. Blah.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Exams begin!!/I hate you work.

Its week 25 now which means that exams have begun and last until the end of term, which is actually my birthday.

Last week nothing happened much apart from the fact that I made an official complaint to a residence tutor about a very noisy member of our flat. He came round and most of us got to throw in our two cents about how recently he's been cranking his music up fully at 7:30am and keeping us awake for hours on end. He's also been doing it at random times during the day now as well. I'm hoping he'll quieten down but as I have 3 exams this week he's officially doomed if he makes any noise.

Tomorrow I have Landeskunde at 3-4pm, then Weds I have German grammar at 12-1pm and then have to do my Tools for Translators paper from either 1:30pm or 2:00pm onwards. I can pick it up at 12 but obv in my case I have an exam and need lunch. Then I'm going home until Sun-Mon.

Work really upset me yesterday to the point where I'm thinking of leaving already if it doesn't improve. One of the managers completely overreacted at the fact that I said I thought I should tidy up a bit. Apparently I was being unproffessional, shocking and offensive, when all I was doing was being honest and trying to do my job! She thought I meant that everyone was slacking. So I've written a letter of complaint because she made me incredibly ill yesterday.

In other news, we had our first fire alarm for ages at 5:45am this morning. It lasted about 20 mins. Hope there aren't anymore this week.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Stop spending!!

This week I've bought a poster, 2 boxsets, 2 pairs of jeans and a t-shirt. Oh and the tickets. So I'm gonna try really hard to economise now where necessary until I need a big food shop. Looks like I'll be living on soup, pasta, the odd bit of rice and noodles and cereal then.

Work was a lot better this weekend as I got the hang of things better and was left to myself a bit more. I actually quite enjoyed it even though it was mostly putting out rejects all day.