Wednesday, November 28, 2007

At home

I worked out now that I get ill every 2 weeks, so advice to everyone- med yourself!! I take vitamins so I don't get it. I have a headcold right now. Thankfully its not so bad as it was on Monday- I woke up with hot and cold flushes and couldn't concentrate well. Then I couldn't sleep cos my back, legs, feet and brain were aching. I only got 4 hours of sleep and as usual I found it tough in Linguistics. I called in sick at work even though I was starting to feel better (apart from the tiredness) and my boss said that he thinks my last shift is on Saturday. I've also been contacted by the German Market and I may start the weekend after next on the sweet stall.

I decided that although I wanted to attend Stammtisch that I am fed up of the constant cycle of being in my room and working, and an ex friend also upset me this week so I'm at home until Friday. Its a lot easier to revise here, and I'm looking forward to going out with Mum tomorrow as we haven't done anything together properly since September, as every time I've come home she's been at work and we've only had the evenings to sit around and watch telly. Its good to be back with the cat also.

I finally got a mentor and hopefully I'll be meeting her this weekend.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Given in my notice

The German Stammtisch just gets even more fun every week, I love it. I met Jenny's sister who is into the same genre of music as me and we spent the whole night chatting. Next week the soc are off to the German market.

Someone set the fire alarm off at 2:30am on Friday morning. It was really frustrating. Thankfully we all managed to get into the Lakeside porter's lodge with permission but we were sat there for an hour. I didn't get to sleep until 4am.

Today I handed in my notice at work and said I wanted to leave for home by the 20th December. My boss wasn't particularly happy but he should realise that Christmas is a time for spending with family, and revising when you have January exams. I won't be getting a permanent job there now which is a shame as I love the job but not the company. Oh well. I'm looking at a few more places to apply to, and Mum called me last night to say that I get a bursary from Aston and for German next year. Apply for a bursary if you can!!

I'm thinking about going home next week and coming back for the weekend for work. I have cat and Mum withdrawal.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Its been so manic since I last updated. I'm now fed up of Build a Bear, but only the working conditions and not the actual job itself. I was stuck on Fib 3 times on Saturday at the front of the store and hadn't had any food for 5 hours so it was tough standing there whilst being able to smell food. I had my lunch/tea at 5pm for goodness sake. Then, some kid chucked something at me whilst I was on the stuffing machine so I jumped and smashed my head on it. I'm not supposed to do that as I have a medical condition. I phoned my mum in a panic and she asked my boss to report it but he wouldn't. He didn't even bother researching what I have even though I put it on my CV. He's decided that I'm only allowed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and one or two days off after that, but other than that I have to work. I told him that I have exams and would like to go home as of the 15th so I'm leaving. I'm going to work at the German Christmas market instead hopefully.

Balancing homework, revision, extra work (ILT) and work is crazy at this time of year.

I'm really enjoying the time I get to spend with the people from the German Society as they're a really fun and crazy bunch of people. On Tuesday night I went on the pubcrawl with them which was a good laugh, apart from one guy who tries it on with all of the girls. I'm gonna hang out with them again tonight after I've finished my history revision. Apparently no one else has started yet. There's no way I could revise everything in 2 weeks and then do test papers in 2 weeks or so. My advice- start earlier than that. Don't cram.

Everyone in my flat is talking about where they wanna live next year. They looked at one place that did group flats. I'm feeling quite alienated from them now though- someone made a list of all the possible people and I was by the bottom with a question mark. Everyone else in my flat was at the top and definate. I'm sure it won't happen to any of you guys next year, but it just seems to always happen with me.

Friday, November 16, 2007

My German skills got me on the TV and radio!

Thursday night was one of the best nights ever- went to the German market with Dan, Dan and some of their mates and got some goodies. They went home after an hour but I stayed on for another hour and got filmed and spoke on radio in German :D I swear my German skills get me everywhere. I was born for this!!!

Went to the German soc's Stammtisch as well and met some great new people. They ended up doing kareoke :D Haha. It was so much fun and I can't wait to hang out with them again on Tuesday at the pubcrawl.

I got my blood test results back and I'm fine. Unfortunately the nurse didn't label my 2nd test and so it ot rejected at the lab. I've gotta do it again which is a lot more difficult now I'm feeling better.

Work and Ann Summers party tomorrow :D Possibly not woo on the work side of things- I am having a break whether they like it or not.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I woke up today after having a good 10 or 11 hours sleep and feel much better. I think I was probably dehydrated and had too much to drink. (and I'm a lightweight!)

Refreshers fair tomorrow- the German society better be there this time!!! I wonder if there's a Translation Society? I might start one if there isn't.

Speaking of German, I got my test marks back yesterday- 89.5/100. WOOT.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Be bearific (innit)

God I feel awfullll. On Monday I somehow progressed to getting worse and I had a load more symptoms than at the weekend. I feel a bit better today but not by much. Yesterday I went to translation and felt like someone had hit me on the head with a brick. Thankfully Christina was very supportive after the lecture. Then I went for my blood test but by 4pm I felt even worse and decided to go to the doctors again. Unfortunately I had to miss Culture for that. Both myself and the doctors have quite a few ideas of what could be wrong but we'll have to wait and see what the test results are. The blood test may be back by Friday, but the 2nd test I was asked to do I only gave in today and is due back in 7-10 days.

It's a proper mission trying to go to lectures, do homework and revise whilst being like this.

The above quote is from work btw. Damn those Build a Bear songs!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

News Flash

I seem to never have time to update this lately.

Anyway, news in brief:

Dumped my boyfriend (LDR not from home) on Monday for personal reasons which I'm not going into. Like someone else here anyway. We're trying to work at being friends but he's being childish and thinks that everything he says is right.

Been revising quite a lot and am proud of how far I've gotten. Need to keep it up and not automatically say yes to working at Build a Bear. My lips said it before my brain could register. Then I was like, "Uhhh...wait a minute Jim..." Short staffed tomorrow anyway.

Went to the Toga party on Wednesday after work. Work made me do menial jobs like tidying and making lists of stock as they had a big boss due in the next day. The Toga party was pretty dead. Had fun in the sesh in our flat and getting a Subway off of Matt when he was drunk, but the night ended a bit oddly as I snogged a random. No idea of his name but his conversation starter was, "I like your glasses. How bad is your eyesight?" Sobered up and realised I'd been a prat. I don't like blondes.

Got up the next day and cos of it I felt homesick (Mum is really the only person bar Nikki here who is able to sympathise) so I went for a day. Work wanted me in today and said I couldn't change it. Bum. Home was really nice and I miss it loads now. Found out I'm now working next Sat too so I may change it and go home. Knowing them they won't let me.

Work today was sooooo tiring! They asked me to stay on for an extra 2 hours as someone called in sick. I have blisters on my hands from sewing the bears up. I don't get a lunchbreak and hardly have enough time to stuff a Snickers in my mouth. I did 8 hours today plus 2 hours revision at home and I have to do 6 hours tomorrow. I only got 4 hours sleep last night cos of going to the Freakers Ball and having to put up with noise in the flat afterwards. Also need to revise tomorrow too. I feel dead so I'm going to bed.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

You're probably gonna say I'm mad

I've started revising already cos I don't have much to do. Over the past few days I've done German Language and Translation, and today I started History.

I think I might have anaemia. Hurry up Tuesday!!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The rest of this week

Didn't do much up until Wednesday night when it was the Halloween Ball. That rocked!! We had a sesh in our flat, then went to Stafford. There wasn't enough room so a few of us went and chilled in Sacks.
No one except myself and Nikki 2 were on the dancefloor until about 12am but once it got going it really kicked off. The only downer was that some guys spilt cider all over my outfit at 1am.

I've been feeling ill since Thursday and think I have a virus. Urrrgh.

I spent too much money today as I bought some new clothes. So economising again, even though I'm probably going home on Thursday. Thank God for my job.

I have a German grammar test on Tuesday. I hope I'm well enough to do it. Wish me luck! :)