Wednesday, November 28, 2007

At home

I worked out now that I get ill every 2 weeks, so advice to everyone- med yourself!! I take vitamins so I don't get it. I have a headcold right now. Thankfully its not so bad as it was on Monday- I woke up with hot and cold flushes and couldn't concentrate well. Then I couldn't sleep cos my back, legs, feet and brain were aching. I only got 4 hours of sleep and as usual I found it tough in Linguistics. I called in sick at work even though I was starting to feel better (apart from the tiredness) and my boss said that he thinks my last shift is on Saturday. I've also been contacted by the German Market and I may start the weekend after next on the sweet stall.

I decided that although I wanted to attend Stammtisch that I am fed up of the constant cycle of being in my room and working, and an ex friend also upset me this week so I'm at home until Friday. Its a lot easier to revise here, and I'm looking forward to going out with Mum tomorrow as we haven't done anything together properly since September, as every time I've come home she's been at work and we've only had the evenings to sit around and watch telly. Its good to be back with the cat also.

I finally got a mentor and hopefully I'll be meeting her this weekend.


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