Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rant time

I really have had a rubbish week and right now what I want the most is just to go back home for a few days if it doesn't improve.

I was having panic attacks on Wed night cos of my poster presentation for sociolinguistics the next day and then when I got to the lecture Gertrud wasn't even there. Due to that I had to miss my German lecture before that as well. So now I have to endure another night of panic attacks.

Then last night everyone in my flat went out to the guild and stayed up being really noisy until 4am. Thankfully I didn't have work until 5pm today but I wanted to get up early and do stuff and I couldn't. I'm hoping that the same won't happen tonight cos I'm feeling exhausted and miserable and can't take 2 nights in a row.

Work was ok, but I am starting to get fed up already. Because there's so many staff members, no one knows who you are or if you're new so you end up running around like a loon yourself trying to get yourself organised. No one is explaining things full enough to me and gives me a funny look if I do something wrong, like a cock up I made at the end today with sizing all the jeans. They're so strict about it- "If you have 3 of the same pairs in a row then you have short, reg & long on each." And then when I've been assigned work and done the job (like sizing) someone will go and check it, like they can't trust what I'm doing. It makes me feel like a complete idiot. So I'm not looking forward to going in tomorrow really.

On the brightside I got an email from Vicky from the languages for life project saying that she'll pay me £50 to go back home and talk to yr 12's about languages at Aston. So doing it.

1 comment:

Becca said...

"Great post. It has interesting points regarding
panic attacks.Learn how to control panic attacks and other useful prevention methods at It can help you in many ways."