Thursday, February 14, 2008

Translation is NOT all around us!! LIEEEE.

I found the card a few days ago- in my wallet. Duhhhh.

Translation is hillarious- we had an entire discussion about when to use greaseproof paper and Christina bought in German spoons. "This is a German spoon. This is an English spoon." We think they should invent a magazine called "The Nan." Christina bought us German choc as well. <3 to you Schaeffner.

Laura and I went to the police station today to do our "Translation is all around us- really?" assignment. It SUCKED. They have nothing. He said that they get interpreters in when a foreigner comes in but didn't say HOW so we reckon that they kind of point to a seat and are like, "You. There. Sit. Komprende?" Was quite funny though. We're going back on Sunday pretending to be French and German.

Weds afternoon was completely wasted. Note to students: The campus no longer stocks the German mag Stern. BOOOO. We spent the entire afternoon looking for it for Media cos Stefan said they had it. I think an axe murder is in order.

The "friend" I met last week takes things way too personally. I've been busy all week so couldn't always reply to her Facebook messages and told her that. She asked to meet on Wed but obv. I couldn't. She texted me saying I was being harsh and I explained what'd happened with Stefan, but she's now in a pure huff and has gotten rid of me off Facebook. I've met her properly at the guild once- Over reaction much?! People are strange.

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