Friday, December 14, 2007


Everyone has to go to Stammtisch. Period.
Last night was hillarious- we sat around eating Lebkuchen and drinking Gluehwein whilst Irini told us fairy tales and then we had to make one up ourselves before we left to go to Einies. It involved a pink magical elephant who had lollies, some painters, blue frogs, sainsbury's men, a squishy orange frog on the projector, and a purple elephant. There was also a joke involving Postman Pat.

Einies was really funny too- it involved phase 1, 2 and 3 of naff songs and naff singers. Needless to say I didn't get to bed until 3am.

Right now I'm pretty stressed- am at home and discovered that what I need from my Linguistics book isn't there. So I may have to buy another edition, which is a pain as I'll only use it once. Emailed Pierre in a state of panic.

It took me an hour to photocopy all of my 11 ILT tasks. Eep.

Only managed to do half an hour of revision today due to being busy. Gotta get down and do more tomorrow.

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